Welcome to the Gospel according to Ken

each person writes as they see the Scriptures so then I also write as I see them. I listed these as according to Ken because I wrote them down and would be the one to contact if there are questions. There will be a great many concepts covered in the pages that I will attatch to this home page. If you search for truth, I suggest you come in, sit down, listen close and hang on. The concepts that I will cover will be very new to most readers, they will be heavely referenced.

These were transfered from files that were created as I was shown the concepts. As God added to the picture, I added to the files or rewrote the file. Even though some of the topics are the same. They each contain some information that is unique and therefore was retained. As these files cover about 10 years of writting, there is a growth of knowledge.

As truth is many things that all interlock to form a very tight package, none contridicting another. It is constantly jumping from one point to another as the interlocking takes place. Try to get the whole picture before you judge the context.

What I write offends many people, What Jesus said about "What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light" is true. He also said "John 16:12 "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.

What the Disciples could not bear to hear, you will now be shown in abundance. I am not a very educated person and I will not try to appear like one. My spelling and grammer will show that quite plain, If you seek a person that is highly educated in college theology, there are many. If you seek the truth, This is the best place to be. God sends messages thru people. These are the ones that He has given me. and He adds to them daily.

The writtings are as far as God took me in different areas. not all go to the end of a concept as I would have liked. The overall is covered and covered again as the truths are looked at.

As I stated: I offend many with what I say, if you are able to bear what the disciples could not, Then you will surly see what I mean, Welcome and God aid you in your search.

These files take many forms, some were completed and sent out, some we ones that were worked on and never got completed in my eyes. Many I wanted to go back and touch up, but was lead into another area.There is always something we would like to add, but God has his own way of doing things.

I have hurried to first get these files available, The discriptions were made fast. If they are not too accurate I am sorry, The concepts however are quite accurate and were heavily searched out.

These files are being converted to be used on the CD-ROM, I will attempt to have the files so they can be clicked to by clicking the mouse on the blue file name.

I have these files on a CD Rom which you can have for free. Just send me an e-mail and list CD Rom in the Subject box so I do not delete it as unwanted mail. Give me a mailing address and I will send one right out. My e-mail address is at the bottom of this file.

Thanks for visiting !

God Bless your search

Copy with my Blessings: If questions write:

Ken Burton, 4342 Acme Road, Ilion NY 13357 USA

These files are on a CD-rom, Free for the asking. works just like a web page, but faster as they are not going through a Modem.

Or E-Mail at ken1burton@netzero.net

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